About Me

profile image

Iā€™m Maya Barnes, a full-stack software engineer and former
investment consultant. After 6 years in investment management,
I decided to apply my passion for problem solving and improving
the client experience to software development. Now, I have the
opportunity to have a larger impact, working on the disruptive
technologies that transform industries like finance.

On a personal note, I enjoy scoping out new restaurants, golfing,
following the markets, and outdoor adventures with friends
(next on the list - sandboarding šŸ˜).

Feel free to reach out - it's always a pleasure getting
to know new people!

Contact Info:


 mayabarnes  mayagbarnes  maya-barnes



Single-page app designed to manage accounts, track spending, and monitor investments. Inspired by Mint.
Built with Rails, React, Redux, JavaScript, & PostgreSQL. Integrates Finnhub API and Chart.js.

Stop Asian Hate

Interactive data visualizations of Asian American
hate crimes over the past year.
Built with Vanilla JavaScript, integrating D3.js
and the OpenWeather API.

Live Code


Single-page app where users create a budget, manage spending, and earn points towards rewards.
Built with React, Redux, Express, Node, and MongoDB. Integrates Chart.js.

Get in Touch!
